Okay, so there may be a few good things about Winter, or one anyway, Winter Clothes. As awful as I can imagine the cold is on the East Coast right now, I do love layers and Winter style. I feel I may have led people to believe the opposite this week! I just don’t love when it snows and suddenly bulky coats and practical shoes are needed. But cold weather, cold weather I can deal with, especially if it means I get to wear amazing clothes. And Coats, I love Coats, especially when they are tailored and matched perfectly with an outfit.
So to prove my love of Coats and as we are ending the end of Winter, I have decided to post some Winter looks (that feature coats obviously) that I absolutely adore.
Photo Cred: Dustjacket Attic
Photo Cred: Via Pinterest
Photo Cred: FIGTNY
Photo Cred: Elle