// Motivation Monday – Teacup Human Style //
I think I have posted this before, but can somebody have my babies already so I can dress my child in cute clothes. Photo Cred: Via Children of the Tribe
I think I have posted this before, but can somebody have my babies already so I can dress my child in cute clothes. Photo Cred: Via Children of the Tribe
It may be a nice warm day in LA, but for some reason I chose the coldest spot outside to write. A nice shady spot under a tree with my iced latte and a slight …
I know, I know... I just posted about bathing suits. But that was before I figured out the label behind a ton of styles that I kept admiring. I am now IN LOVE with everything …
I have to limit myself to five interiors that I love, otherwise these posts could go on forever. Here are five that I adore, in no special order nor with any kind of linking theme …
I know last week I was posting about trenches and now I have flipped to bathing suits but the weather has been so amazing, I had to start shopping around online. I am more of …
Everything about this is perfect. Layers, texture, color. I can't handle this much perfection! Photo Cred: Class is Internal
The Birks are back, thought I would bust them out for casual Friday today!! (Shoes: Birkenstock, Leather Skirt: Zaliah)
Because she is just too cute not to post. I love everything about this outfit (and this girl). I need these leggings. Mackenzie Greet, a fashion kid to look out for.
I know that right one seems like the worst time to post about trenches, being as hot as it is this week in LA. But I am super duper loving the colorful, light weight trench …
I forgot about these gems. They always make me nostalgic for a simpler time, when I paired them with frilly socks and did cartwheels with my friends! I have some frilly socks lying around, not …
Some more amazing fashion out of the desert... Actually these are mostly from Week One (Day Two) that I didn't get to post last week!!! Photo Cred: Fashion Toast Photo Cred: The Blonde Salad Photo Cred: Always Judging Photo …