// The Happy Mondays – Coffee Time //
I know, two posts about Kreation Organic in a row. But I am in love with this coffee! It made my morning!
I know, two posts about Kreation Organic in a row. But I am in love with this coffee! It made my morning!
Explored the new hood this morning. I am loving Toluca Lake!! This smoothie was also delicious!!! Thank you Kreation Organic.
After Instagram stalking Aimee Song from Song of Style for yesterday's post, I have found yet another pair of white sneakers I need. If keeping my Stan Smiths and Birkenstocks white wasn't enough trouble! Maybe …
This is around the time that I usually post my weekly fashion blogger discovery. However, this week I have decided to post about Aimee Song, who for those in the fashion world, is not at …
I shouldn't call it a trend, but more a way of life. My truth: "I'll stop wearing black when they invent a darker color." Also, can we discuss how MK has the same shoes as me?! …
This week is the week I splurge on a new desk and desk accessories so it is office inspiration time!! Happy Motivation Monday! Photo Cred: Popsugar Home Photo Cred: Emily Ley Photo Cred: Pinterest Photo Cred: Hub Pages Photo Cred: Domain …
One upside of moving is finding possessions you were devastated about "losing". I lost this book before finishing 2 years ago. Grace Coddington is back in my life again and I couldn't be happier!!! Thank …
I can't handle these. I need a baby now so that I can dress in these and we can match in our Stan Smith's. Too freaking cute!
As promised, my fashion blogger discovery of the week is Nicoletta Reggio. Looking through her Instagram feed, I am having massive shoe and bag envy. Nicoletta has the perfect Fall/Winter wardrobe packed with fuzzy cardigans, …
Loving this look!! These shoes are amazing. I may even have to feature Nicoletta Reggio as my Fashion Blogger Discovery this week.
I am moving this week. Not yet into my own place, but I am still excited to have a blank space to decorate. Here is some home inspo for your Monday. Photo Cred: Pinterest