// WCW – The Other Olsen //
Today’s Woman Crush Wednesday goes out to the other Olsen, Elizabeth. Today I read a story that came out when this Olsen rose to fame and it said, “Who knew she existed?”. It made me laugh, I can’t have been […]
Today’s Woman Crush Wednesday goes out to the other Olsen, Elizabeth. Today I read a story that came out when this Olsen rose to fame and it said, “Who knew she existed?”. It made me laugh, I can’t have been […]
I am obsessed with baby clothes slash children's fashion. I am the kind of person who will spend forever in baby stores even if I have no one to buy anything for. I love to …
... Because if you don't envy the closet of an Olsen, then I think you may be a little crazy.
Already in love with my newest pair of Shoemint shoes (especially considering what I paid for them).
Work was crazy this week, my mind was all over the place and I haven't been able to post as much as I wanted to. So basically here is a sum up of some of …
It is way past my bedtime, however I spent most of tonight reorganizing my bedroom so I thought I would do a quick bedroom inspiration post. Here are just a few of my favorites: Photo Cred: Camilla …
When my friend mentioned she bought some Birkenstocks, I thought she meant the clogs and I prematurely turned up my nose. However, after browsing my instagram feed (made up of 99% fashion bloggers) and constantly …
Sadly, the holiday weekend is coming to an end. So in honor of America, here is one last patriotic post before reality strikes and return to our closets searching for colors other than Red, White …
Unfortunately, this year I was sick and did not have time to do any July 4th inspired nail art so here is my plan for next year. I hope you all are having a safe …
It is amazing how much less obnoxious Fourth of July outfits look on tiny humans. Happy July Fourth Weekend Everyone!
Happy July All! Obsessing over how cute this nail art is!